
Maria Gail MassageI am available for massage instruction for individuals who want to share massage with family or friends. We can do this in a series of classes, or during private massage appointments (not intended as training to become a licensed massage therapist).

One way to learn massage is to bring a willing friend or family member to your regular massage appointment to observe and receive massage instruction that could be helpful to your needs. I am happy to assist in this way. While it’s difficult to absorb much instruction in one short hour, it might be all you need to get started. Fee is the same as for a regular massage appointment.

In the past I’ve also offered a series of hands-on classes, “Massage for Beginners.”  Instruction is geared for individuals who want to share massage with family or friends. It is not intended as training to become a licensed massage therapist. Four 3-hour sessions are scheduled weekly or bi-weekly, with an optional Body Drumming fifth session. Students register in teams of two–with a partner, family member or friend–to ensure that you have a person with whom to practice.  I can offer this class at my office with just one team of two learners, and I’m willing to work with a larger class as well, although it requires use of a larger space and coordinating times that work for everyone.

If you’re serious about doing massage, I strongly advise you to own or borrow a massage table. A massage table is for the person giving the massage, even more than for the person receiving. A massage table makes it ergonomically easier to give a massage without fatigue, so that (unlike working on the floor or a bed) you won’t want to quit after 5 minutes. Check for massage tables on Google Shopping. An adequate table can usually be had for $150.

Session I –  
Introduction to massage, self-care, draping and contraindications 
Massage for Neck and Head
Session II – 
Massage for Arms and Abdomen
Session III 
- Massage for Legs and Feet
Session IV-  
Massage for the Back
Session V–  
Body Drumming


  • Twin sheet set, pillowcase
  • Pillow for bolster
  • Towel
  • Blanket
  • Short fingernails


  • Bottle apron
  • 2 pump bottles
  • 8 oz. oil
  • 8 oz lotion
  • Handouts
  • Bibliography

Participants should be in reasonably good health. If you have doubts, ask.
This workshop is for individuals who want to share massage with family or friends. It is not intended as training to become a licensed massage therapist.