What can I expect on my first massage?

Maria Gail MassageA typical massage lasts one hour, and you get to choose how to spend that time. Let me know what you need from your massage. Choose a full-body massage, or or request an in-depth treatment of a particular area (for example, neck, back and shoulders).

While the actual hands-on part of the massage lasts an hour (or longer if you choose), you’ll need to figure extra time for getting undressed and dressed, and to relax and reorient yourself after the massage.

Let me know about any trouble spots, health concerns, areas to avoid, and what you hope to gain from your massage. Then I’ll leave the room while you undress in privacy and lie down under a flannel sheet on a comfortably padded massage table. For a full-body massage most people undress completely, but underwear is left on or off at your discretion. Therapeutic massage is safe and non-sexual, and you will always be professionally draped during your massage. [Your personal modesty is respected. Know that it is possible to receive massage through light clothing, such as leggings and a t-shirt.

Therapeutic massage is safe and non-sexual, and you will always be professionally draped during your massage.

(Your personal modesty is respected. Know that it is possible to receive massage through light clothing, such as leggings and a t-shirt. Although clothed-massage is very different and will lack hot stones and long soothing massage strokes, it is still very beneficial. Please request what feels right to you. Clothed-massage is suitable for people who are feeble and for whom undressing and dressing are such a production as to be discouraging. I do not currently offer chair massage or house calls. In some cases you may want to find a massage therapist who offers that.)

This is your time. You may want to close your eyes, focus inward, or just sink into relaxation. Do whatever feels most comfortable, but don’t hesitate to ask questions or report any discomfort. Please don’t make the assumption that the massage therapist knows best. Those nerve endings are yours! I welcome your feedback so I can adjust pressure accordingly.

My hands detect restriction, tightness or injury in the texture of the muscle and focus on areas needing more attention. Massage to treat a painful injury or tender area may at first cause some discomfort, which usually lessens noticeably in the first few minutes. Using your feedback and my techniques to minimize pain, I will adjust my work to feel right to you.

After the massage, I will again leave you in privacy to reenter this world and to dress. Give yourself a moment to reorient before slowly getting up from the massage table. You will probably rise with the rosy cheeks of a child getting up from a nap. I’ve usually managed to dishevel your hair as well!